Unit 7 : Irregular Verbs

Hi Class,

Please watch the video on Irregular Verbs can complete the remaining worksheets in Unit 7.

Please hand in Unit 7 by today.

Here is a link to irregular Verbs (additional):


Story Map: The Mystery of Missing Big Wig

Hi Class,

Please refer to the Prezi presentation of the  Story Map of The Mystery of Missing Big Wig.


Here is the list of vocab from the story as well. Please click on the link:




Oral Exam Practice

Hi all ,
Please refer to the following for the Reading and Stimulus Based Conversation (SBC).

  1. Look at the picture, would you have your birthday party at Stageworks?Why?
  2. Would you prefer to organise your own birthday party at home or hold it outside and have someone organise it for you
  3. Tell me about the best birthday party/birthday celebrations you have had.



Please refer to the samples by some of your classmates.