Character Report


Go through each heading, giving one or two examples for each of the headings.

Important things to remember:

  • need to use the past tense when writing their story & present tense when characters are speaking
  • Highlight the correct use of quotation marks as well
  • Have each pupil contribute at least one sentence or idea
  • spelling of words using the letters and sounds whenever possible
  • correct sentence structures
  • Have pupils refer to the words in the Class Writing

After Group Writing , groups will read others’ work!


MLEA 1: The Wolf’s Story

The Wolf’s Story – Class Writing


Imagine you are the troll….

  1. What were you doing at the bridge?
  2. Why must you ask who’s crossing the bridge?
  3. Is it true that you will eat anybody who crosses the bridge?
  4. Why are you always so mean to animals crossing the bridge?
  5. Why did you try to stop the Billy Goats from crossing the bridge?
  6. Would you really eat Big Billy Goat if he had not butted you? Why/Why not?
  7. Are you angry with Big Billy Goat Gruff for butting you? Why/Why not?

Class Responses:

Task 1: Group Writing

Groups will have to choose one of the topics :-

(1) Goldilocks Story (from Goldlilocks & the Three Bears)

(2) The Giant’s Story (from the Jack & the Beanstalk )

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

The Story of Jack and The Beanstalk


  • Use the first pronoun “I”
  • Use the past tense verbs when you write your story
  • Use the present tense verbs when characters are speaking
  • Generate adjectives to use in your writing
  • Use guiding questions